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Send a Case

When placing an order on our website, only include products for one patient per order. Multiple products for the same patient can be included in the same order.

If you are ordering products for multiple patients, please complete the checkout for one patient’s products then place another order/complete the checkout for each additional patient.

Step 1:

Browse our products here, and proceed to add each product to your cart by clicking “Order Now”.


Step 2:

If ordering multiple products for a patient, continue to add products for a that patient until your cart is ready to checkout.


Step 3:

Complete the checkout form and click “Place Order”.


Step 4:

Fill out the Crown and Bridge Rx Form and/or the Dentures/Removables Rx Form and email it to info@germanzahndentallab.com.


Step 5:

If this is your first order with us, check your email for instructions to “Complete your new account setup for German Zahn Dental Lab”, fill out the “New Account Form” and email it to info@germanzahndentallab.com.


Step 5:

To send a digital impression, click here:

To send a traditional impression, click here:

Digital Scans

Digital scans we accept:

3Shape Trios 





Digital impression instructions

Traditional Impressions

  1. Pack your sanitized impression and bite in a biohazard bag, or a sanitary zip-type baggie. Wrap models in bubble wrap so they don’t break in transit. Put any small parts put in a vial or envelope.
  2. Please attach the printed Rx form to the outside of the biohazard bag. Do not put the prescription inside the bag. If you have multiple cases in a box, please staple the Rx to the matching impression. You can send as many cases as will fit in one box/bag using one shipping label.
  3. Schedule a pickup with UPS/FedEx online. If you don’t have an account yet please call and we will set your office up in our system. Place the case boxes in the shipping bag and attach the shipping label to the bag.
  4. If you have photos to send, please email them to info@germanzahndentallab.com and reference the Doctor and Patient names so we can match them to the case.